
Prepare for Homeownership

1. Decide what you would like to spend. Generally, you can afford a home equal in value to between three times your gross income. However, you may not be comfortable spending all that you can afford to spend. Develop a budget and be prepared to stay within your comfort zone. There is no use in falling in love with a …

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The Perfect Neighborhood.

Is it close to your favorite spots? Make a list of the activities — movies, health club, church, etc. — you engage in regularly and stores you visit frequently. See how far you would have to travel from each neighborhood you’re considering to engage in your most common activities. Check out the school district. This is especially important if you …

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Charleston Art Night

Episode 16: To celebrate our new office, we invited talented local artists to share their work with the community! Partnering with local artists to share their work in our new location – has been a beautiful partnership. Check back with us for our next local artist.

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